GOCPV is a management and information system that permits the centralisation of all the information related to Concentration Photovoltaic (CPV) plants in a single system, for its study and analysis.
The vast majority of CPV suppliers provide a monitoring software together with their CPV plants, but those systems are not specifically designed for carrying out detailed studies of plant performance. With GOCPV, it is possible to carry out studies and comparisons of all the information received from the plant’s components (energy-meters, inverters, trackers, weather stations, etc.), independently from the plant’s technology and its location.
Consequently, as all the information is integrated into the same system, the user can focus on data analysis starting from the reports generated by the application. Those reports will include the main aspects of the plant as well as the main business sector indicators (KPI indicators). In addition, GOCPV will be a very useful tool for your R&D department because it allows for quick and easy access to any variable of your system, whenever you want.
How was GOCPV developed?
GOCPV was developed as a result of ISFOC’s long-term experience in CPV technologies, obtained through the analysis of various CPV systems. It was developed as a solution for a crucial issue: the capture, compilation, analysis, comparison, and emission of conclusions supported by data from different CPV systems (different suppliers, different locations…), coming from several non-homogeneous origins.
This software application has been 100% developed by ISFOC; therefore, it is mainly orientated to the study and evaluation of the CPV plants’ performance from the point of view of a researcher. GOCPV is continuously updated to cover the new emergent technologies; this is possible thanks to the R&D department’s effort and the feedback received from our CPV plants’ Operation and Maintenance team.
GOCPV Modules
GOCPV not only centralises the production data of the plants in a single system, but it has also been structured in a modular way, so that users can have absolute knowledge of their installations as well as maintaining the plants under control through the following modules:
- User Management: The User Management Module allows for the creation of several users, specifying in each case data access and permissions on each application screen. Therefore, with GOCPV you can create, apart from your business user accounts, as many guest user accounts as you need.
- Device Inventory: With this module, you can manage and register the inventory of all of your installations. All the management, information, and system functionalities of the application are supported by this Inventory; so, as a result, there will be parameters of data and reports in accordance with this.
- Production, weather, etc. reports: GOCPV is prepared with a varied set of reports that allow users to have an absolute knowledge of the status of their plants, covering the energy production or even the weather conditions of the site.
- Data Exporting: Through this module, your R&D team can easily export any registered data from the period and frequency required. GOCPV will assist you by indicating the available information on the system so you can select the required data.
- Integrity and Quality: GOCPV checks the integrity and quality of the data uploaded to the system through this module.
- Plant Maintenance: GOCPV includes an Incidence Management Module. This module allows for the management of incidents in the plant as well as the resources available for their resolution. From those data, this module also generates reports, including the main business sector indicators, which will allow you to carry out R&D Studies with the Operation and Maintenance of CPV plants.
- Alerts and Alarms Module: As a complement to the previous module, the system can be configured to notify via e-mail or SMS of any event that may occur upon at your facilities; therefore, you will be continuously informed of the status of your CPV plants.