Transparency code and good governance
In compliance with Law 19/2013 , of December 9 and Law 4/2016, of December 15, on transparency, access to public information and good governance in Castilla la Mancha, the following information corresponding to the Institute for Concentration Photovoltaics Systems, SAU is published:
- Decree 56/2019 of July 7, establishing the Ministry od Sustainable Development
- Decree 87/2019 of July 16, which establishes the organic structure and attributions of the Ministry of Sustainable Development (DOCM 141 of 07/19/2019)
The Institute for Concentration Photovoltaics Systems SAU is assigned to this Ministry based on the provisions of Article 3.5 of this Decree. - Company Constitution Statutes
- Modification of the Corporate Purpose
- MEC_JCCM Agreement
- Contract Programme
- Addendum to the MEC_JCCM Agreement
- Addendum to the Contract Programme
- Minutes of the follow-up Committee for the Agreement conclusion
- Applicable regulations and mandatory compliance:
- Law 09/2017, of 08 November, on Public Sector Contracts
- Iron and Steel Collective Agreement
- Internal regulations on purchasing
- Internal regulations on travels and per diems
- Internal regulations on Working Hours. Authorization of the General Economy Secretary for a 35-hour working week
- Compliance policy for suppliers, customers and tenants (obligations of fiscal, social and labor content)
- Organizational structure and professional profile of management personnel:
- CV1
- CV2
- Deed of empowerment
- Power of attorney to apply for R&D Projects
- Structure and composition of the board of directors. Organization chart
- Information of the professional profiles employed by ISFOC:
- Professional profiles table of ISFOC employees
- Average Salary by Category, Sex and Seniority: 2019, 2020
- Job offers and selection processes
- ISFOC Budget Information
- Law 11/2023 of December 21, for the General Budgets of the JCCM for 2024
- JCCM Budgets
- ISFOC budgets: 2021, 2022
- ISFOC Memory: 2021, 2022
- Economic and Banking Information ISFOC
- 2020 Audit report
- 2020 Anual accounts
- Charts and economic statistics (2015-2020)
- Bank details
- Article 6 of Laz 3/2016, of May 5, no credit cards in Public Entities
- ISFOC assets. Inventory of own goods
- Awarded grants to develop R&D projects: See document
- Assignments and commissions
- DGTE nominative subsidy notification (January 26th 2021 resolution)
- Notification ordering to carry our energy auditits (February 3rd 2021 notification)
- DGTE nominative subsidy notification - Creation of the Energy Advisory Office (February 01st 2022 resolution)
- ISFOC rates for assignments
- Resolution of the Ministry of Sustainable Development approving ISFOC rates for assignments (DOCM April 12th 2022)
- DGTE nominative subsidy notification – Maintenance of the Energy Advisory Office (January 19th 2023 resolution)
- Supplier-Creditor Relationship: 2021, 2022, 1T-2T 2023
- Visits and Meetings Agenda: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- Accreditations and Certificates
- ISO 9001: Quality Management System
- ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
- UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025: Climate Testing Laboratory Accreditation
- 100% renewable energy supply certificate (2020 y 2021)
- Statistical information of ISFOC Web portal and access to social networks
- 2023-2024 Statistical information of ISFOC Web portal
- Citizen mailbox for queries or suggestions:
- Link to ISFOC social media: Facebook, LinkedIn
- Statistical information regarding requests for access to information: No requests for access to information have been received up to now