Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración, S.A.U.
Calle Francia, núm. 7. Polígono Industrial La Nava III,
13.500 Puertollano (Ciudad Real) - España
CIF: A-45629177
Registro Mercantil de Toledo, Tomo:1366, Libro 0, Hoja: TO 26004, Inscrip. 1ª
Teléfono: 926 44 16 73. Fax: 926 42 91 42
Legal Property and Copyright
This page and all its contents belong to the Instituto de Sistemas Fotovotaicos de Concentración S.A.U (ISOC). It is forbidden the transmission, the transfer, the sale, the rental and/or the public exhibition of this web without the corresponding authorization of its owners. The information and advices shown in this web have an estimated nature; therefore ISFOC is exempt from any responsibility coming from the lack of accuracy and affectivity of this information or advices.
ISFOC reserves the right to alter the web content without prior notification and without any kind of restriction. The information referred to this web or introduced through its own forms must be true and not infringe upon the rights of third parties nor the current legislation.
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ISFOC offers in his web information related to its activity and ots affered services, which have previously signed in the agreed terms and conditions.
ISFOC allows the visitors to utilize, display, print, download and save the contents and/or the elements included on the web, exclusively for personal, private and non-lucrative use, whenever their origin and/or their author are shown and, where appropriate, it appears the copyright sysmbol and/or the proprietor's industrial property note.
ISFOC reserves the right to modify the web contents without prior communication and without and lind of restriction. Additionally, ISFOC reserves the right to remove, restrict or block the access to his web when technical problems, due to facts or major forces beyond ISFOC, come up and when, to ISFOC judgement, it reduces or overturns the security standard agreed for the correct running of the web.
Data protection
With this declaration, ISFOC wants to inform the visitors about his Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy thar users provide freely and voluntarily.
ISFOC Data Protection Policy's aim is to obey as much as possible the current legislation about the protection of personal data. In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, personal data will be included in ISFOC's automated file.