The Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración (ISFOC) is technical coordinator of the INNPACTO Project "SigmaTracker: The innovation trackers for CPV systems in Spain". This Project has been awarded for three years, having obtained a funding of €737,355.04 in subsidies, €2,635,352.44 in loans for the participant companies and €417,887.4 in reimbursable FEDER funds. The Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry will support this Project along 2011, 2012 and 2013, being the entities located in convergence areas (ISFOC, Isofotón,Abengoa,CTM-CLM Foundation and the University of Castile- La MAncha) co-funded by the European Union.
The foolowing entities are involved in the SigmaTrackers Conortium: SENER, which is leader and general coordinator of it, Abengoa Solar, Altran, Indra, Isofotón, ISFOC, the Research Public Body INTA, the Tecnological Centre CENER, the Foundation Corp. Tecnalia, The CTM-CLM foundation and the University of Castile-La Mancha.
Main goal of SigmaTrackersw Project is to develop HCPV trackers, supported by the R&D activities and by the innovation and technology transference as to obtain a validated and reliable produce, easy to manufacture and affordable.
This Project is integrated into another awarded Project, called "SigmaPlantas", where the installation of prototypes will be held in order to check their performace in the field, crucial stage to verify new Technologies, as ISFOC did at its demo plants. Final target, therefore, is to obtain a system integrating the ultimate technologies in regard with cells, optic systems and components, which will be fully characterized and validated as well as tested and checked in a demo field, all of that leading to a future manufacturing.